Code 0 |
System flown
with a known discrepancy no additional discrepancies noted. System
can be used. |
Code 1 |
System used
and performed satisfactorily. No maintenance required. |
Code 2 |
System used
and performed satisfactorily. A minormal function exists but system
is capable of further mission assignment. |
Code 3 |
System performance
was unsatisfactory. This system did not cause an abort. |
Code 4 |
System performance
was unsatisfactory. This system caused or contributed to an abort. |
Code 5 |
System out
of commission prior to takeoff. |
Code 6 |
System installed
but not used. |
Code 7 |
System not
installed. |
Code 8 |
or system has suspected or known radiological/biologicalcontamination. |